The Future of Advertising: Kiosk Installation along with Holographic Fan by A3Sign


In the ever-evolving landscape of advertising, innovation and creativity are paramount. Brands are constantly seeking new ways to capture and retain consumer attention, and one of the most groundbreaking advancements in this field is the use of holographic technology. A3Sign, in collaboration with ADCB, has taken a bold step forward by installing a state-of-the-art kiosk featuring a holographic fan at Galleria Al Maryah Island. This installation not only showcases cutting-edge technology but also sets a new standard for immersive advertising experiences.

A Cutting-Edge Installation: ADCB’s Holographic Kiosk at Galleria Al Maryah Island

Galleria Al Maryah Island, a premier destination for luxury shopping and entertainment in Abu Dhabi, provided the perfect setting for this innovative kiosk installation. Strategically placed in a high-traffic area, the kiosk immediately drew attention with its vibrant and dynamic holographic displays. ADCB’s branding and messages came to life in stunning 3D, creating an unforgettable visual experience for shoppers.

The kiosk itself is a marvel of modern design and technology. Equipped with a holographic fan, the installation leverages the power of rapidly spinning LED lights to create three-dimensional images and videos that appear to float in mid-air. This holographic technology offers a unique and captivating way to present advertisements, making traditional flat-screen displays seem outdated in comparison.

The Power of Holographic Advertising

Holographic advertising represents a significant leap forward in the way brands communicate with their audiences. Here are some key reasons why holographic technology enhances kiosk installations and elevates the advertising experience:

  • Unmatched Visual Appeal: Holographic displays are inherently eye-catching. The 3D visuals create a sense of depth and movement that immediately draws attention. In a bustling environment like Galleria Al Maryah Island, this visual appeal is crucial for standing out among numerous competing stimuli.
  • Memorable Impressions: The novelty of holographic technology leaves a lasting impression on viewers. When consumers encounter a holographic display, they are more likely to remember the brand and message being conveyed. This increased recall can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Versatility and Creativity: Holographic fans can display a wide range of content, from simple text and logos to intricate animations and videos. This versatility allows brands to get creative with their advertisements, tailoring their messages to specific campaigns or audiences.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Utilizing cutting-edge technology in advertising positions a brand as innovative and forward-thinking. For ADCB, the holographic kiosk installation reinforces its image as a modern and customer-centric bank that embraces the latest advancements to improve customer experiences.
  • Interactivity and Engagement: Holographic displays can be designed to interact with viewers. For instance, motion sensors can trigger animations or changes in the display based on the viewer’s movements, creating an engaging and interactive experience that traditional ads cannot offer.

A3Sign’s Expertise in Holographic Installations

A3Sign has a reputation for pushing the boundaries of advertising technology. Their expertise in holographic displays and innovative installations makes them a leader in the field. For the ADCB project at Galleria Al Maryah Island, A3Sign meticulously planned and executed the installation to ensure maximum impact and engagement.

The process began with a thorough analysis of the location and audience. Galleria Al Maryah Island attracts a diverse and affluent crowd, making it an ideal venue for showcasing cutting-edge technology. A3Sign designed the kiosk to be both visually stunning and functional, ensuring that it would draw attention while effectively conveying ADCB’s message.

The holographic fan was carefully calibrated to display high-resolution 3D content that would be visible even in the bright and dynamic environment of the mall. The content was designed to highlight ADCB’s innovative banking solutions, promotional offers, and commitment to customer service. By integrating holographic technology with strategic messaging, A3Sign created an installation that not only impressed viewers but also communicated ADCB’s brand values effectively.

The Installation Process

The installation of the holographic kiosk was a complex and meticulously planned process. Here’s an overview of the steps involved:

  • Site Assessment and Planning: A3Sign’s team conducted a thorough assessment of the installation site at Galleria Al Maryah Island. They analyzed foot traffic patterns, lighting conditions, and potential viewing angles to determine the optimal placement for the kiosk.
  • Design and Content Creation: The design phase involved creating a visually appealing kiosk structure that complemented the mall’s aesthetics. Concurrently, the content team developed 3D animations and videos tailored to ADCB’s branding and messaging. The holographic content was crafted to be both eye-catching and informative, ensuring that it would captivate viewers while effectively conveying ADCB’s key messages.
  • Installation and Calibration: The installation team set up the kiosk and holographic fan, ensuring that all components were securely in place. The holographic fan was then calibrated to display the 3D content with optimal clarity and brightness. This step required precise adjustments to ensure that the holographic images would be visible from various angles and in different lighting conditions.
  • Testing and Optimization: Before the official launch, the installation underwent rigorous testing to identify and resolve any issues. The team fine-tuned the holographic displays, adjusted content playback settings, and conducted real-world testing to ensure that the kiosk would perform flawlessly in the mall environment.
  • Launch and Monitoring: The kiosk was officially launched with a promotional event at Galleria Al Maryah Island. Throughout the installation’s run, A3Sign’s team monitored its performance and gathered feedback to continually optimize the display and content.

The holographic kiosk installation received an overwhelmingly positive response from shoppers at Galleria Al Maryah Island. The 3D visuals immediately caught the attention of passersby, drawing them to the kiosk to learn more about ADCB’s offerings. The interactive and engaging nature of the holographic display kept viewers captivated, leading to increased brand awareness and engagement.

Many shoppers expressed their amazement at the technology, with comments highlighting the novelty and visual appeal of the holographic fan. The installation not only enhanced ADCB’s brand image but also demonstrated the bank’s commitment to innovation and customer-centricity.

The Future of Holographic Advertising

The success of ADCB’s holographic kiosk installation by A3Sign at Galleria Al Maryah Island underscores the immense potential of holographic technology in advertising. As brands continue to seek new ways to stand out and connect with audiences, holographic displays offer a powerful and versatile solution.

Looking ahead, we can expect to see even more advanced holographic installations that push the boundaries of creativity and interactivity. Innovations such as larger-scale holographic displays, augmented reality integrations, and personalized holographic experiences are on the horizon, promising to revolutionize the way brands engage with consumers.


The kiosk installation along with the holographic fan by A3Sign for ADCB at Galleria Al Maryah Island represents a bold step into the future of advertising. This innovative installation not only captivates audiences with its stunning 3D visuals but also reinforces ADCB’s image as a forward-thinking and customer-focused brand. As holographic technology continues to evolve, it offers exciting possibilities for creating immersive and memorable advertising experiences that resonate with consumers.

By embracing such cutting-edge technologies, brands like ADCB and pioneers like A3Sign are setting new standards for the advertising industry, paving the way for a future where advertising is not just seen but truly experienced.